Make the Bold Move from Climate Awareness to Climate Action

The "Business Model Canvas" for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Planning

Simple and powerful AI-assisted climate change mitigation and adaptation planning tool for SMEs.

A winning technical approach for donor funded climate action programs.

Climate Threats

Supply Chain Risks

Market Risks

Operational Risks


Key Metrics

Mitigation & Adaptation

Financial Outlays

Financial Benefits

Climate Canvas created by Arun Hsu and Vladan Raznatovic is inspired by the Business Model Canvas. and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Climate Canvas is a powerful tool for businesses to efficiently develop climate change mitigation and adaptation plans. Designed with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in mind, but adaptable for businesses of any size, the Climate Canvas draws inspiration from the simplicity of the Business Model Canvas, the groundbreaking tool that revolutionized business modeling and planning. With its one-page template and nine building blocks, the Climate Canvas provides a clear and concise roadmap for businesses to take action on climate change.

The nine building blocks of Climate Canvas capture the climate change threats a business faces, related supply chain and market risks, operational risks, commitments to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, key metrics for measuring progress, appropriate mitigation and adaptation measures, and the relevant financial outlays and financial benefits.

The strength of Climate Canvas lies in its simplicity, empowering SMEs to take effective climate action. This innovative tool provides a clear blueprint for businesses to reduce their carbon footprint, protect their assets and income streams from the impacts of global warming, and generate financial returns. By investing in carbon reduction, businesses can lower energy costs, improve production efficiencies, enhance market reputation, increase worker productivity, and even launch new climate-friendly products and services. The benefits of using Climate Canvas extend beyond environmental impact, making it a valuable tool for businesses to thrive in a changing climate-conscious landscape.

Climate Canvas is also a powerful tool for mobilizing climate finance including loans and grants to needed to finance climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. With its user-friendly one-page template, Climate Canvas empowers businesses to develop compelling proposals by showcasing their clear roadmap for reducing carbon footprint, managing risks, and generating financial returns.

With the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) through the OpenAI Chat GPT API, the Climate Canvas web application has advanced its capabilities. Users can now input a brief set of business information and generate an initial set of inputs, providing a solid starting point for their Climate Canvas. What's more, users have the flexibility to generate inputs in multiple languages including English, Arabic, French, and Spanish, making Climate Canvas a versatile tool for businesses around the world. This AI-powered feature enhances the user experience and further empowers businesses to effectively develop their climate change mitigation and adaptation plans.

The AI-assisted Climate Canvas web application exemplifies the transformative power of digital solutions in international development. By making cutting-edge technology accessible to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), Climate Canvas levels the playing field, democratizes the process of climate change mitigation and adaptation, and empowers SMEs to take action and be part of the solution. This represents a significant step towards inclusivity and sustainability, as SMEs play a crucial role in addressing climate change challenges with the aid of advanced technological tools.

Climate Canvas presents an opportunity for international development firms to offer a compelling cutting-edge technical approach to enhance their proposals for donor-funded climate programs. By showcasing their ability to leverage the latest technology and deliver innovative solutions that create significant impact at scale, international development firms can increase their chances of securing awards from donor organizations.